(POR) Dallas Circus, in partnership with Pauleta foundation, performs a show of social solidarity, as it had done in 2011 in partnership with Fundação Luís Figo. As far as we know the animals are fine and take part of in show! To survive the -40° C, the Tamer gave vodka with hot water to the elephants. (POR) Marco Mariani talks about the activity of the clown and acknowledges that his main inspiration in this art was his father Emilio (POR) Renato Alves promoted the Dallas circus at Antena 1 (POR) Benfica team Xmas party was held in Victor Hugo Cardinali last thursday, a day after its "green rival" (POR) The Pingo Doce and the municipality of Braga will invite 12000 people to Empire Cardinali (RUS) Magda and Jenny, two Polish circus elephants were saved from hypothermia when the trailer that transported them burned out near the city of Novosibirsk. (POR) Dallas had another "full house" in Ponta Delgada (POR) On this vídeo watch 21'-circo dallas spot 27' RTP Açores Xmas party at Dallas

(POR) MElany Lester deresses herself as an apache during the handstand act. (HOL) The portugese Reinaldo Monteiro (rola-rola) and Balders (clowns) wil be part of festival de Enschede cast (21/12 a 29/12) (POR) Dallas offered a ticket to Florinda, who had a dream to watch a circus show. (POR) Walter Dias tambem encheu no passado Sábado. (POR) Dallas celebrates today its 30th anniversary (FRA) The Xmas mass was helh in Bouglione in Chatou 2&/12/2012 (POR) The 36th Edition of the Monte-Carlo Circus broadcasted by SIC was viewed by more than 1344000 people.

(AUS) A poney was stolen by a woman, whose daughter wished the animal as a Xmas gift. Its origin is Portuguese and dates back to 1956 with Amilcar Alves and Esmeralda Almeida (FRA) Pierre Lartigue, the founder of the Christmas circus of Toulouse passed away (USA) The FEld Entertainment (Ringling Bros.) will receive $ 9.3 M following a court action against several "animalist" associations (ESP) Richards Bros is in Valencia bullring with Wonderland. (ESP) Know more about the history of Alves circus. (POR) Leia e reportagem do Açoriano Oriental ao Dallas e ao Europa actualmente instalados em Ponta Delgada (POR) As expected Nery Bros amused with the military recruits, after 15 years! It w orths a visit to Coliseu do Porto (TUR) Aquatic Show parade of Jorge Cardinali in Turkey